Why does my horse lick me

Why does my horse lick me?

Horses lick us largely because they enjoy the salt on our skin’s surface. Some horses, however, lick people out of habit

Can you use a horse as transportation?

Can you use a horse as transportation?

If your state’s laws do not prohibit it, horses can be utilized as a mode of transportation. Horses have two significant benefits when it comes…

Are long pasterns on a horse bad?

Are long pasterns on a horse bad?

In fact, long pasterns are not bad on a horse. It is believed that horses with long pasterns have a more pleasant pace for the rider

Will horses keep coyotes away?

Will horses keep coyotes away?

Yes, horses will keep coyotes away. They’re not shy at all, because they keep their distance but don’t actually run away

Can you eat horse apples?

Can you eat horse apples?

No, you can not eat horse apples as humans. The short explanation is that horse apples, sometimes known as Osage oranges, are poisonous to humans

How big was the Trojan horse?

How big was the Trojan horse?

The Trojan horse was a massive hollow wooden horse built by the Greeks to gain entry into Troy during the Trojan War. Epeius, a skilled carpenter…

Can you use horse shampoo on dogs?

Can you use horse shampoo on dogs?

Horse shampoo may be used on dogs since the nature of the shampoo helps to make the horse’s hair silky and smooth

Why are horses so expensive?

Why are horses so expensive?

The reason why horses are so expensive is that horses require daily care, which may be pricey and varies according to a variety of unpredictable circumstances. 

Is horse meat halal

Is horse meat halal in Islam?

Yes, horse meat halal in Islam, is permissible to consume as long as it is slaughtered in the Muslim manner and is not bloody.